
Sep 3, 2018

Saturday is a Special Day...

Saturday was a good day for us. The sleeping in was amazing after a long, long week. Then it was off to Curly's football game where they easily beat the Woodscross team. Scout was so proud of her banner this time. It took her a couple of hours and about 10 seconds for the guys to break it, but Curly managed to save her "kittie" and she brought it home to remember.

After the game we ran home to change before heading back out again. Crafty had an assignment to visit a museum and the BYU Museum of Art was on her list. We love their exhibits and try to get there about once a year, so we didn't mind a quick trip. The exhibit was one on Pulitzer Prize winning photographs and it was stunning and somewhat disturbing at the same time.

We finished up just as Crafty completed her notes and the doors closed at 6:00. We all piled back in my car and headed for Levan, a tiny town in Juab County. My sweetie's cousin's boy was getting married and we really wanted to support them.

It turned out to be so much fun! They had dancing and treats and family. Everything was delicious and homemade. We stayed while they cut the cake (it was yummy and made by the mother of the groom!) and then while the bride tossed the bouquet.

 You'll never guess who caught it!


  1. That would mean Scout is next in line to be married! Unfortunately, that would have to be a few more years from now.

  2. Wow, thtat is an awesome catch from this sweet daughter. Another outstanding day in your very busy life. I’m happy you had some good sleep before starting out on this adventure. How you manage to get to all the things you do and throw the travel in too. The photos showed the fun it was.
    Blessings and hugs for all!
