
Sep 2, 2018

DARE Graduation for Curly

I'm back! Have you missed me? I was running on empty after my sweetie had been out of town unexpectedly for half the week. My awesome kids jumped in with help in many places including the blog.

I have so much to tell you! On Friday, I attended DARE graduation for Curly. He worked so hard on his essay, and became one of two kids from his class who were chosen as winners. They had the mayor there and the police chief and 4 classes full of kids, plus parents and friends, so it was a pretty big deal.

He received a string bag full of swag including a water bottle, pencils and school supplies, but his favorite things was the pin. It was the first time I had been called up to pin one of my kids during a DARE graduation and since I had Twizlet with me, it was a bit tricky, but I was so proud of him, I just had to be there.

During the finale, they had about 80 kids on the stage and Curly had been chosen as one of the soloists. Since I knew exactly when he was going to do his lines, I tried to get the camera ready, but Twizlet had a different idea. I now have almost a full minute of her trying to grab the camera, twisting it every way and then me cussing her out (quietly, of course) for messing up the video. It's a good thing she is so cute... not that I could even get her to smile for a pic. I think she would have preferred a nap to attending DARE graduation, but Curly was amazing and I wouldn't have missed it for the world.

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