
Aug 10, 2018

The Parade

Yesterday Bossy called me at exactly 5:38 pm. "Are you coming?"

I know I don't always listen that well, but I didn't have anything on my radar. "Where?"

"To the parade!" Honestly, I didn't remember any of this conversation, besides, parade season was over. But I gathered up anyway. Baby Doll wanted to go and ride her bike and I had Twizlet too. My sweetie quickly loaded the wagon into my car while I loaded Twizlet into the car seat. It was a tight squeeze, but we finally got in and on the road. It was about 15 minutes to Bossy's church and we were in rush hour traffic. The odds of us getting there before the parade left were pretty slim.

We turned in to the parking lot with 1 minute to spare. The kids were lining up on their bikes and in strollers and wagons with a handful of parents and siblings. We took our space at the back of the line.

Bossy was there with Skittles and we carefully laid him in the wagon with Twizlet (who was pretty grumpy about being disturbed from her nap). Bossy was visiting with a neighbor, so we started hoofing it.

The parade wasn't long; only to the park where they had a bbq and carnival provided by the youth. Overall, it was fun, except that Bossy kept leaving me to visit with other people on the route.

The most interesting part was that no one was watching the parade because everyone was in it. 

1 comment:

  1. What a fun parade to have! I loved your two ittle ones suggled inside the wagon. You do have the best of adventures.
    Blessings and hugs!
