
Aug 12, 2018

Happy Birthday, Curly!

Today is actually Curly's 10th birthday! Can you believe it? He was just a little guy when we began doing this blog. But on Friday we had a birthday party that included 15 of his favorite friends and his dodgeball nemesis... Sport.

We had a great time at the church for a couple of hours with me as the referee, Teach as the facilitator, and the boys as more than willing participants. From the pics it may look like Curly spent a bunch of time on the sidelines, but that is not actually true. He is one of the best players, so that, along with his free passes back in as the birthday boy, put him in action most of the time.

We took a break about halfway through and did presents and cupcakes and then the boys were back at it again. It never ceases to amaze me how much energy kids have. After almost 2 solid hours of dodgeball, most of them were sad when their parents arrived and it was time to go home.

Not Curly... he still had 2 hours of football practice left in him...

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday, Curly! It looks like he had a terrific birthday celebration. I too don’t know how boys have so much energy. I think they have more than girls. I loved the fun photos. Blessings and hugs for this young man!
