
Aug 27, 2018

Showered Again

We had a baby shower for Bossy with family and a few of her close friends on Saturday. It was a crazy, busy day with football, a couple of parties for the girls, the shower and then our Stake Beach Party, but somehow we managed to pull it all together. I missed the first half hour of the shower because I had to pick up Scout across town at a swim party for her girl scout group that is going to Catalina Island in California in October.

But let's talk about the shower. Drama Queen did a fantastic job hosting and planning pretty much everything. I was in charge of getting invitations out, assigning the food, and paying the bill. Princess made her famous lemon bars and our Cupcake Club officers, Crafty and Sport, made several dozen cupcakes. Drama Queen carved a watermelon into a whale and that was the theme of our party.

Fish decorations from Princess waiting to be hung with the others...
All of the games involved whales in one way or another and we gave out Tupperware filled with chocolate for the prizes (you can't beat that!). We also laid out a beautiful serving table covered with sparkly blue tissue paper, our giant glass jars with the spigots, and then all the food. I guess Drama Queen really wanted the swedish fish swimming, because while she was running one of the games, she stopped mid-stream (yeah, the pun is for you...) and reached behind her for a drink of water. The next thing we know, the spigot is spewing water all over our lovely table! It didn't stop Drama Queen though. Per my instructions, she kept our guests engaged while Bossy, Teach, and I quickly changed out the entire table with new coverings and refilled water jugs. It made for some random excitement!

Bossy was spoiled again with some cute things for our baby Skittles. We even served skittles in tiny baby bottles for our party favors. Too much fun and too much food. I was totally happy to take a couple dozen of our cupcakes over to share at the stake party.

Car show at the stake party...

Oh and by the way, all 3 of our football teams had wins this week, even the high school team. Go Bingham!

Curly's team running through the paper banner we made for halftime...
 PS, you aren't going to believe this, but I have scoured my phone and not a single pic of the shower! I heard that Teach might have some. I will try to get them posted if they exist. Hope you enjoy some of the other parts of my crazy day.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that is a day of partying. The shower sounded very fun and organized well. You are so good at working as a team. I am always impressed. I’m sure Bossy loved it all. Having all the football wins is awesome.
    Blessings and hugs!
