
Aug 26, 2018

Crazy Egg Lady

I am that lady... the Crazy Egg Lady. I make people stop and stare in the grocery store because I bring a baby carseat to the store to protect my eggs from being brutally smashed or tragically stolen...

OK, wait. Let's cut the drama and back up for a minute.

A couple of weeks ago, I was missing the time I spent with my sweet grandson, Little Warrior. It didn't seem like I was getting a chance to see much of him without a dozen other people trying to take him away from me. So I offered Beauty and The Beast the opportunity of having a monthly date when I could play with Little Warrior so he would get to know us better.

That day was today. We took him with us to the Stake Beach Party and then we tried to get him to sleep on the ride home. He was not at all interested in missing any of the excitement, so Sport and I took him to the grocery store thinking maybe he would fall asleep in his carseat.

That didn't work either. And it wasn't his carseat. Today Bossy brought over her spare carseat and left it with me so I would have one if I needed it to take the babies somewhere. Since Beauty didn't leave one, I used my newly acquired carseat. The Beast called me just as we were getting started loading our cart with Little Warrior strapped in the carseat into one of those Baby Deck things.

Then Beauty and The Beast show up, take Little Warrior, and head out the door leaving me and Sport with an empty carseat that had half a bottle of milk in it. Since we had to buy eggs anyway and our cart was full of cereal, we decided to put the eggs in the carseat. We had a good laugh about keeping them safe until we noticed a couple of people actually doing double-takes.

So when you hear stories, just remember, I am the Crazy Egg Lady...


  1. You're so punny. I guess people thought you literally laid eggs like a hen and used the carseat as a nest.

  2. Well crazy egg lady, I love this one. I’m chucklinging on thi one. You do tell a good story.
    Blessing and hug!
