
Aug 1, 2018

Rocky Mouth Falls

Tricked you, didn't I?! Yeah, this one is in Utah. Yesterday Teach told me she and Twiz were going on a little hike and I invited myself along... I'm a hiker now, don't you know...

At the trailhead

They graciously allowed me to accompany them along with our cute little Twizlet. I was the only one of us who had been on this trail before; I think it was about 3 years ago that we traversed it with our cub scouts, so I knew a little bit about what we were getting into.

It wasn't really that bad. There were lots of stairs and lots of boulders, a couple of caves, a waterfall, and some slippery rocks... all the things that make a hike fun. Twizlet was a trooper, but she had her moments. At 18 months, she handled the trail easier than I did although there were a few times she wanted someone to carry her (me too!) and we were all willing to trade her off a bit.

Our favorite (and most terrifying) part was climbing up the slippery rocks so we could see the little pool at the bottom of the waterfall.

Twizlet also liked the cave except when Daddy pretended to be a bear...

So much fun.


1 comment:

  1. This does look like a great adventure. I loved the photos. I am so proud of you for doing the hike. I should attempt this sometime before it becomes an impossible feat.
    Blessings and hugs!
