
Aug 23, 2018

Love that Sweet Summer Rain

Our weather has been a bit dicey lately. Not that we have had anything major happen; there have been wildfires all over the state of Utah, so it is very dry here. That's why when something like today happens, it's time to stand up and take notice.

I had been watching the clouds all afternoon because I knew Curly had football practice and they looked pretty black. It was only about 20 minutes after I got back from delivering him to the park and picking up Scout from her volleyball practice that the rain began to pour.

It started with huge drops that quickly became a torrent. The kids said there was hail, but I didn't see any of it. By the time I got to the door, my eyes were only on the flood of water in the gutter and spilling out onto the road. This was "dancing in the rain" weather!

Twizlet, Baby Doll, Scout, and I hurried over to enjoy it because in Utah, the weather can change so fast, the rainwater could be gone in a minute. The girls all had their shoes off and they waded, danced, and "swam" in the four inches of water surging through the gutter.

All my life I have danced in the rain. I learned it from my mama, and now I want my kids and grandkids to learn it from me. That sweet summer rain is sort of like childhood, gone in a flash.

1 comment:

  1. I must admit you are one of the funniest moms and grandmas ever. I think that is awesome that you took them out and enjoyed dancing int he rain. I'm afraid, I hide when it thunders and lightnings. This was a much-needed storm and it did bring down the rain and we did have hail here.
    Blessings and hugs!
