
Aug 21, 2018

Football vs. Scouts

We had another crazy Saturday around here. Our morning started out with me running around trying to get everything ready for our Girl Scout Awards Picnic later that evening. Curly had his first football game and I was so happy to see him walk midfield with the other captains. He sure loves this game!

#92 may look nervous, but he showed them on the line.
 They only have 15 boys on the A Team this year and he loves playing on both sides of the ball. This was our preseason game and the boys beat Tooele by a pretty good margin.

The afternoon was a flurry of party planning and last minute stuff. Crafty made all the brownies, my sweetie finished up the pulled pork, and I gathered everything else before we had to be at the bowery at 6:00.

I told Bossy those shoes were too big...
 By 6:30, most of the girls and their families had arrived and we enjoyed a nice meal before calling each girl up and presenting her awards for the year. Crafty is the President of our troop and she and Scout did a great job making sure each girl felt important and included.

I love scouting, but it will be nice to have a month off before the new year begins. Can't wait until my cute little niece will be part of our troop...neither can she.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I guess it is the start of the football season. I love the things you plan for the girl scouts. Awesome photos and adorable baby and cute niece. Loved it all!
    Sending hugs~
