
Aug 6, 2018

Happy Birthday, Drama Queen!

August means more family parties and our first one is a birthday party for Drama Queen. My sweetie made a delicious beef brisket with roasted veggies and homemade rolls. We were all pretty happy about that except for maybe Tadpole. He kept throwing everything I gave him on the ground.

We did lots of visiting and Drama Queen's best friend Kierstain set the bar pretty high when she did a full front flip on the trampoline and then all the kids had to try it. Teach was pretty nervous when Twiz got up to do one, but he completed it like a pro.

 After dinner, Drama Queen opened her presents. She loved all of them.

Skittles was very popular and everyone wanted a chance to hold him.

I think Drama Queen's favorite gift was the big box full of Dr. Pepper.

This was my favorite gift. I could have snuggled with this tiny boy all day. I know it will just be the blink of an eye before he is off and running and doing flips on the trampoline with the other kids, so for now, I'm going to get all the baby cuddles I can get from all the grands. Love this life.

Happy birthday, Drama Queen!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, that little one is so precious and I love the photo of the two of you. Yes, indeed enjoy those cuddly moments. It looks like another wonderful birthday celebration. Happy Birthday to your Drama Queen.
    Blessings and hugs for all!
