
Aug 4, 2018

Good Things Happening

We had a couple of really great things happen today that I wanted to share with you. First of all, Crafty and Scout came home from Girls' Camp after a fun week up in the mountains. While she was gone, Crafty received a large, white envelope from the National PTA Reflections council. I assumed it was simply her entry being returned since I had already seen from our State Council that she was not a 1st place winner.

Imagine our surprise when she pulled out an Honorable Mention certificate! From Nationals! That is so exciting! We have never had any of our kids advance to Nationals before and then she does it in Literature, one of the hardest categories, and comes away with an Honorable mention. Yay, Crafty!

Then the second thing which is ultimately even more exciting... our cute little rainbow baby, Skittles, came home from the hospital today after nearly 3 weeks in the NICU! He is not without a few issues, namely an oxygen tube, constant oximeter, and a small hole in his heart. But he is so sweet and we are so happy to finally have him home with Bossy and Gamer and their family.


  1. Congratulations to Crafty; that is an excellent recognition. I'm so happy that your sweet baby could come home today. I am sure Bossy and Gamer are ecstatic. I will pray for him to continue to do well. Being sent home is a big step.
    Blessings, prayers, and hugs for them all!

  2. Yay for Skittles and his family. I pray it's all onwards and upwards from here.
