
Jul 1, 2018

What a Wonderful World

Yesterday was so nice. Teach, Baby Doll, Twizlet and I went to a baby shower in the morning while Sport, Scout, and Taco went to the temple to do baptisms with Cat Lover, Dog Walker, and Grandpa. Crafty is still in Atlanta for FCCLA Nationals. She has completed her part of the competition and now they just get to have fun until the awards ceremony. They spent their day at Six Flags.

But I digress...

Just after 2:00 we piled into the car and drove down to visit my MIL. My sweetie has been trying hard to see her about once a week this summer. She is frail and needs help with her yardwork and other things around the house, but mostly she just likes to visit.

Grandma and Little Warrior

Sport was working on the Fish and Wildlife Management merit badge, so we had to see 25 animals, birds, or fish in their natural state. Some of them could be domesticated, but I wanted him to see different things, so after we visited with Grandma, we still had half a dozen more to find so we headed toward the mountains for the power plant in Mt. Pleasant. They have a little campground there.

As we ate at one of the many picnic tables, we spotted a chipmunk and several different birds. We still needed a few more, so we took a little hike which was fun, but I think the kids were so loud, they would have scared off any animals within a couple of miles. Sport took some beautiful pics on his phone though and it was a nice way to end our Saturday.

As we drove back off the mountain, we caught a glimpse of a deer feeding in someone's backyard. That pretty much filled Sport's list, so we headed home. It was nice to spend a little time admiring some of God's amazing creations, including my children and my sweet baby grandson (who is back home with his parents now). Such a beautiful world we live in.

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