
Jul 22, 2018

Broncos Stadium Tour

Saturday was a travel day and we got in late, so sorry I didn't post for you. We only made one major stop in Denver and we used that time to do something my guys have always wanted to do... tour the Broncos Stadium.

We had 3 good hours of travel to put in before we got to Denver and our appointment was at 1:00. I figured we had an hour to spare and we would be fine, but construction and an unexpected potty stop for Baby Doll had us showing up with less than 5 minutes before our 90-minute tour started.

It was interesting to see all of the behind-the-scenes places although I was disappointed that we didn't get to see the locker rooms. I would have liked to go clear up to the top of the stadium too, just to get a feel for those "cheap" seats. Not that any of the seats are particularly cheap. Our guide went over all the prices for us and I was amazed that people would pay so much money just to watch a football game.

After leaving Denver, we drove the rest of the way to Rapid City. There was a severe thunderstorm warning and flash flooding issued, but fortunately all we saw was a little rain. It did slow us down though and we didn't roll into the parking lot until nearly midnight. We put over 600 miles on the van, but in some ways, it seemed like much more.


  1. Wow, a whirlwind drive but it looked like the tour was fun. Yes, I don't understand how the prices can be so high for sports games.
    Blessings and hugs!

  2. Long time reader from the interwebs, and a resident of Rapid City! Don't miss the scavenger hunt in the president statues. It's a hidden gem. Another hidden gem is the air and space museum next to the Air Force base. It is free!

    Also feel free to participate in the local debate as to whom has the best ice cream: Armadillos or Silver Linings Creamery. I will reserve my judgement until after you taste! :)

    Enjoy the area, we love it here!

  3. To find the scavenger hunt, you have to visit the presidential visitor's center on Main Street! Sorry, I couldn't figure out how to edit my previous comment.

  4. Oh Jana, I sure wish I would have seen your comments sooner! Those sound fun and just the sort of things my kids would love. We had so much fun, I would like to plan another trip out there when we have more time.

  5. There's so much to do and see, there are still things I haven't done after being here for 7 years! Early September or early May is a great time to come, it's cool and the tourist places are open but not crowded. Glad you had a great trip!
