
Jul 25, 2018

Mt. Rushmore

We got up early on Sunday and went to church at a local ward in Rapid City. After returning to our hotel room to change out of our nice clothes, we decided to hit the road and see some of God's beautiful creations. Our first drive was into the Black Hills with an eventual stop at Mt. Rushmore.


It was crazy busy, but we managed to spend some time in the visitor center and complete the Jr. Ranger Program with the 3 youngest. We hiked the trail that got us a little closer to the monument and the kids were disappointed that part of it was shut down for maintenance.

We also joined a group watching as the rangers escorted a couple of men off the upper part of the mountain. I'm not sure how they got past security in the first place, but it was pretty exciting watching how the rangers closed in on them until there were forced to come down.

1 comment:

  1. I would love to see Mt. Rushmore. I hope someday to do that one. I need to put it on a bucket list. I loved your photos, and I think it is fantastic that you stopped and let your children complete the Jr. Ranger's program; fun. Thanks for sharing your trip; it looks so fun.
    Loving thoughts and hugs for all!
