
Jul 4, 2018

No Longer a Teen - Happy Birthday, Prima Donna!

The last birthday in June belongs to Prima Donna and she was finally out of the teens and became almost a real adult when she turned 20 last week. She has been out on her own since she turned 18, but now she is living here in the valley, working through the summer at a brand new job and hoping that she can balance school and work in the fall.

We had a party for her on Sunday with most of the family here except for Crafty who was in Atlanta, but she has promised to tell us all about her trip later in the week. She got home today, but was so tired...  and a little surprised to find out that she is living in a construction zone!

Our cooktop broke last weekend (not with a ruler this time, thankfully), and my sweetie decided that since he had this week off, he would accelerate our kitchen remodel we had been thinking about for several years now. We almost made it happen last month when the fridge went out, but we managed to get that fixed.

Not this time.

We painted the kitchen and the mudroom today, and my sweetie is going to tear out the sinks and the broken cooktop and completely modify the countertops starting tomorrow. I know, way too much excitement around here... always....

I promised I will put up some pics for you soon. Right now I'm just trying to figure out how to tiptoe through my living room without stepping on anything.


  1. June birthdays are the best!!
    Happy Birthday to Prima Donna!

  2. Happy Birthday to Prima Donna. She is such a beautiful girl. I love that she has been out on her own working. Way to go girl!
    Your sweetie does need some down time too. I hope you have a relaxing. Of course, getting a project done does bring more relaxing moments. Have fun working on it all!
    Blessings and hugs and Happy 4th of July everyone!
