
Jun 29, 2018

Stay Off the Sidewalks!

Remember I told you earlier this week that Sport turned 15? Well, on Monday we drove over to the DMV and he passed his driving test the first time! Way to go, Sport.

Then on Tuesday, we took Baby Doll to orthopedics to see if she would have to have surgery, but the answer was still "No!" and she got this lovely orange cast. It is already filled with signatures and I wish I could tell you she is out of pain, but as you can imagine, she is still hurting.

No surgery!
 Maybe because when she went in Tuesday they discovered another break near the first one in her upper bone on one of her lower bones. She is a very brave girl.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to Sport for passing his driving test. Now for the fun of driving with him. So sad for sweet Baby Doll; I hope she heals quick.
    Blessings and hugs!
