
Jun 28, 2018

Guest Blogger: The Manti Trip by the Dog Walker

It's been recent that I guest blogged for all of you, especially blogging about Cat Lover's missing wedding ring. Well, she wanted me to talk about a fun trip that she and I went to over the weekend. As many of you might expect, we took a one night trip down to Sanpete County to go see the most exciting event that has been a legacy for my side of the family. 

I'm pretty sure that my Mom told you all about the Mormon Miracle Pageant and how it's been a fun event to attend. Cat Lover told me that she only went to see it once in her life. And I thought with requesting a weekend off from work, I would take her down to Manti to go see the pageant. We drove all the way down to Sanpete County after we finished packing for a one night sleep at my grandpa's old home in Ephraim. We did a first stop at the Terrel's grocery store in Mt. Pleasant. We always like to eat their doughnuts, especially with the ones that are shaped like a foot. Unfortunately, the doughnuts at Terrel's were all sold out! It's sad, because my Mom was hoping that I bring her home one of the apple fritters. Instead, we bought the different kinds of cookies that were still on display at the Terrel's bakery. I guess Terrel's doughnuts are popular on Saturdays down in Mt. Pleasant.

When we got hungry, we stopped at my aunt's entrepreneur-made restaurant called Dairy Freeze. It's like Dairy Queen, but this time, they serve bishop shakes in cups with a lot of different options of flavors for shakes. When Cat Lover and I ordered the shakes and they were brought to us, she tried it and she thought in her opinion that they're way better than the shakes at Sonic (no offense to the people working at Sonic).

After we made it to the old house in Ephraim and set up our stuff to spend the night, we just thought that we didn't have anything to eat for breakfast, so we stopped by a Walmart nearby in Ephraim to buy some cereals that we an eat for breakfast before we go home. When it was finally time, we drove all the way to Manti, which was only a ten minute drive from Ephraim. It was quite packed with a lot of people going into the Temple ground to settle down to watch the entertainment. We waited for a long time until it was dusk and that's when the Pageant started.

During the performance, Cat Lover and I were always lip-sing the scriptural messages that were being performed in the Pageant. It was because we have been studying the scriptures and we always do, so that we can build a testimony in our lives of what we believe in. Right after the Pageant was over, Cat Lover just told me that she enjoyed it and shared me a kiss of love and gratitude for bringing her to the event. We carefully went through the traffic back to Ephraim to spend the night and then depart home by morning. We both had fun down in Manti, just the two of us. But we both felt like we wished our families would've been there to see it, since it was the last performance of the year. I'm hoping by next year, we can convince our families to come with us to see it. I hope you enjoyed this story about our second mini honeymoon.


  1. I love your 2nd mini honeymoon. That was a perfect weekend break. I think it sounded so fun. I love the pageant and hope to see if again. It’s bee quiet a while since we have been down there. I loved this awesome post and endearing photos.
    Blessings and hugs to you two~
