
May 29, 2018

Memories and Love

I love Memorial Day. On Sunday we visited 2 cemeteries, one for our sweet angel baby, Calder, and the other for my sweetie's half-brother who died in an accident while serving a mission for the LDS church. Then we left early this morning and stopped by 9 cemeteries on our circuitous course down through the middle of the state. Our first stop was Nephi where Grandpa's parents are buried. He grew up there and has such strong roots. His grandfather settled that area, but Grandpa wasn't with us today because he is off traveling in Europe with my oldest sister. (I know, but they didn't invite me...)

The second stop was in Gunnison. Li'l Brother and Li'l Sis were both there with their families to talk about several of our ancestors who lived in that area. I love sharing family history with my family! Then it was on to Centerfield, Axtell, Aurora... we stopped for lunch at a little park before starting the trek back toward home.

My mom is buried in Ephraim and I ran into a high school friend while we were there. I hadn't seen her in years even though I've watched her family grow and change via Facebook. Then it was Spring City before we met up with my MIL in Mt. Pleasant. The kids always love visiting with Grandma!

Finally! A rock they would let me stand on!
Of course we had to run to the Mt. Pleasant cemetery before we crawled through the canyon on our way through to Spanish Fork. An accident put us way behind schedule. Our last stop was Lindon for a quick minute before dark to place a flower on a tiny stillborn niece. You might think it was a sad and melancholy day, but it wasn't. It was beautiful and full of family and hope, memories and love.

Happy Memorial Day!


  1. Thanks for posting this beautiful Memorial Day Adventure. I loved all of it and the photos were awesome. We didn't get to do much this year due to a variety of reason. One is I woke up not feeling all that great.
    You visited some of the central southern areas of my youth.
    I was born in Richfield, Utah and moved to Salt Lake for my 8th-grade year. I love going home and often traveling through the areas you mentioned. My father had a farm just outside of Aurora, Utah. He was born in Sigurd. I have many fond memories of these areas.
    Since we didn't get out to do decorating; we will do it anyway at sometime soon.
    It is important to remember our loved ones and ancestors that have pasted.
    Blessings and hugs to you all!
