
May 30, 2018

Awards for Sport

Last Friday was the Awards Assembly for the 9th grade class at South Jordan Middle. I didn't want to miss telling you that Sport is an amazing student!

When did he get so tall?

He received several medals, including one for being an NJHS Officer and another for having a 4.0 GPA for all 3 years of middle school. When he was in 7th grade, SoJo started a new award called the Spirit Award. It was for academics, but also for school involvement. This year he received the Gold Spirit Award and then because he had earned the award for all 3 years, he received the Platinum Award.

NJHS Officers
I'm so proud of how hard he works to keep his grades right where he wants them to be. His cute friend was also awarded all of the same awards as Sport and then she received an overall excellence in French award. I guess Sport has some work to do to catch up. A little healthy competition is good, right?

1 comment:

  1. You should be very proud of all that accomplishments of Sport! Blessings and hugs for Sport~
