
May 27, 2018

Girl Scout Sleepover 2018

Yesterday was our annual Girl Scout Sleepover. Some of the girls were missing because of the holiday weekend, but we still ordered pizza and ate goodies, and tied two more quilts, one for Primary Children's and one for Bossy. The kids had a great time watching the new Jumanji movie and then they drifted off to sleep to something a little less exciting.

Teach asked me if Twizlet could spend the night before she left. It had been the last week of school for her and a rough one. We had Twizlet spend the night once before and it was no big deal, but she was not happy this time. She threw a major fit for about an hour before she finally fell asleep on the couch. Less than an hour later, she was awake again, but this time a few snuggles put her back to sleep.

She was up before me and she loved the waffles!
Thank goodness Drama Queen was here to cook the waffles for breakfast, because I was still busy sleeping until she had them all done. The boys were even back from their party at Bossy's house! But all worked out well and we can move on to the next activity. I vote it's the last week of school...

1 comment:

  1. It looks like your Girl Scout Sleepover was awesome! I love that you do a fun project with them. Sorry, your little one didn't sleep well. Yup! School is out this week. I wonder what my summer is going to be with three grandchildren here fulltime.
    Blessings and hugs for us all!
