
May 25, 2018

Almost the Weekend

I've been working on our Grant Proposal for South Pointe Ballet today. It's been hard to concentrate on The Nutcracker in the middle of May, but if I don't get it turned in by June 1, then we will have a difficult time securing funding from the city. I'm so glad the last one just came off the printer.

We had a nice down day today, which was good since I wasn't feeling very well and I've been putting off some of these very important things like the grant proposal. The Girl Scout Sleepover is on Friday night (which is tonight!) and we always tie a quilt for Primary Children's Medical Center. Bossy also had several quilts she wanted to tie, so we set up early and got two of them done tonight.

Love this one for Bossy's new baby!
Tomorrow it will be back to the busy and crazy.... sort of makes me want to not go to bed.

1 comment:

  1. I do think you need some sleep before tackling tomorrow. However, having a sleepover may make getting sleep a problem. I love this tradition with the girls. Wow, the grant proposal sounds interesting.
    Blessings and hugs!
