
Apr 4, 2018

Work Party #2

Today was a rough work day. Mostly because things changed in the middle. So way back before Christmas when we found out that Dog Walker and Cat Lover would be living with us, we started making The Apartment. It meant we had to move kids around and if you remember, Crafty moved upstairs with the girls and we borrowed bunk beds from Bossy to fit everyone in.

Today when we were cleaning Curly's room and moving Crafty back to the basement, I texted Bossy to find out when she wanted to swap out beds...I didn't mean today!... but that's what happened. Drama Queen brought her truck over after work and we swapped the beds. My sweetie decided to clean the carpet in Curly's room before we reassembled his bed, so that added an extra project. And to make it even more complicated, Prima Donna wanted to learn to clean carpets because she just moved into an apartment and had to clean the carpets in her old place. So my sweetie gave her lessons while he was working on our own.

Are you confused yet?

No before pics... too embarrassing!

Suffice to say, the rooms aren't quite finished and the hallway is still crowded with stuff, but we made even better progress on the long-term goals, so that's good.

This is what I want to be doing!
Our fun activity was a trip to Kohl's where each kid was allowed to spend $10 on whatever they wanted (within reason, of course). I had $25 in Kohl's cash, so that helped to ease the burden. I was impressed at how careful some of them were with their money. Crafty bought 3 nice shirts and Baby Doll found a couple of cute shirts and some hair ties. It was a fun and happy day.

Tomorrow I think we are planning to plant the garden if we have good weather. Maybe I should pray for rain...


  1. The first work party sounded like a lot more fun! I can't believe Crafty bought 3 shirts for $10!?! I went to Kohls a couple weeks ago and got 4 shirts for $70!!! They seem to be getting so expensive, I can't really shop there anymore. Glad you were able to find some bargains.

  2. You are having a huge clear up, clean up and move stuff kind of week. I do love the after fun stuff.
    Blessings and hugs!
