
Apr 3, 2018

Not Your Ordinary Spring Break

Last week my sweetie told the kids he was taking off this entire week because it was spring break and he was planning 5 work parties so they better get ready. Of course they complained and whined, but today he got them all up early and they spent several hours cleaning the garage. It wasn't fun.

But along with the work party, he also planned 5 days of playing together. So around noon, Drama Queen took the kids to Little Caesar's for free pizza. I'm super impressed that Little Caesar's held up to their commitment to give away a free lunch if the #16 team beat the #1 team in college basketball. The kids said they were well prepared and they only had to wait for about 10 minutes in line.

After the giant work party was finished mid afternoon, we played dodgeball and basketball at the church and then after baseball practice for Curly, we went to see a movie at the free theater. We even stopped at Rubio's for free churros.

Can you believe the kids actually asked me what time the work party starts for tomorrow?

I'm not sure they will like it much... bedrooms are on the list...


  1. I love that you guys work together and play together! I can’t wait for emma to be a little bigger and a better helper for big jobs!

  2. What a great idea for spring break!

  3. The start of for the week looked like a major moments. You did some great cleaing of the garage. You fun moments atter the work was spectacular. I don'tknow how you manage all the free stuff. This was all amazing. Big hugs for all!
