
Apr 8, 2018

Jordan River Temple Open House

About a month or so ago, I requested tickets for the Jordan River Temple Open House. Fifteen was the max I could get, so that was enough for all of us living at home, including the Dog Walker's family, Drama Queen, and Teach's family.

We all met at the house about 6:30 for a quick dinner before we loaded the big van (they asked us to carpool) and drove the couple of miles to see the temple. Our first stop was the parking lot and then a quick walk in the pouring rain to the meeting house just up the street. From there we boarded a shuttle bus that took us around the corner to another meeting house adjacent to the temple.

We watched a 10-minute movie and then we crowded into the canvas tunnel that kept us dry while we waited our turn to enter the sacred walls. They covered our shoes with paper booties and then we began our walking tour of the temple. It started in the baptistry and wound around until we saw pretty much everything.

I so miss my dear friend, Astrid! She and I spent many happy hours together in this temple and I know she was looking forward to the opening as much as I was. As we exited the temple, we grabbed a moment to take a pic of our group. Such a beautiful experience!

We enjoyed the bus ride back to the church and then we walked to the parking lot in the still drizzling rain. Back at the house we had banana splits and laughed at the Dog Walker when he put Play Doh flavored ice cream in his. It was a beautiful evening and a wonderful reminder that Families are Forever. My only wish was that we could have had all of the kids with us. Then if would have been perfect.

1 comment:

  1. The temple open house has been wonderful. We have been ushering. It is wonderful to see famlies like yours coming through. I love to count all the children and whether they are boys or girls. The temple is lovely and I can't wait to start back working there. I loved your photos and it is marvelous that Families Can Be Forever. Blessings and hugs for all!
