
Apr 9, 2018

Blessing for Tadpole

Yesterday we got up early and headed to Utah County for the opportunity to see Tadpole's baby blessing. In our church, baptisms occur typically when a child turns 8 (never before), but when they are tiny, their father or a worthy priesthood holder gives them a special blessing in front of the congregation where they are also publicly given their official name.

The Frog did a great job! Afterward we headed to his parents home for a little get-together. Princess outdid herself with all the amazing treats. When we were finished, we climbed back in the van and drove the rest of the way to Sanpete county to visit Grandma.

Beauty and The Beast wanted to get a 4-generation pic with Little Warrior. It was nice to visit and we were able to help her with a few things. I ran the kids to the park for half an hour to get out their wiggles before we headed home. It was another amazing day.

1 comment:

  1. I love the sweet photo of Tadpole and you on his blessings day. He's a cute one. I really liked the 4 generation photo; excellent! Hugs to you all!
