
Mar 21, 2018

Sweetie's Day Off

My sweetie took the day off work today.

It all started when my little ones didn't understand this reference:
...Bueller?... Bueller? ... Bueller? ...

We didn't manage to make it work as well as the famous Ferris Bueller in the movie, but it was fun. My sweetie had each of the kids do a chore with the promise that we could go to the ball field and hit a few balls with the new bats. It wasn't long before jobs were finished and they were loaded and ready to hit the road.

It was a quick trip to the stake center and Baby Doll hit a dozen balls before Curly took a turn. Soon he was pounding them into the outfield. Scout was next and she managed to hit some good ones too. Then I volunteered to try out her new bat. (I prefer mine...hers is too light for me, but just right for her.)

My sweetie told the kids he would buy them a treat if one of them caught a fly ball, but they weren't even close. Finally, I told my sweetie to lob one over the plate and I popped it up right to Curly's mitt. An easy catch and we were on our way to the Village Inn for lunch. (It had been the plan all along since we still had a few free kids meal coupons that expired the end of March, but we didn't tell the kids that.)

After lunch we picked up Cat Lover from work and then we came back to the house so my sweetie could put on Ferris Bueller's Day Off for the kids to watch since they had never seen it before. I was surprised at the high profanity levels, but other than that, it was fun and gave us all a good laugh.

Maybe next time we will have to watch Baby's Day Out. Now that's a funny movie!

1 comment:

  1. You do have such fun activities and this was a good one. Blessings and hugs!
