
Mar 22, 2018

Sad Day

We are heading to court this morning to see where they might place our tiny Supergirl. Her very young parents are struggling. Please pray for them.


  1. Just maybe you will be given custody of supergirl, that way she will be in her family and they can get help to regain custody of their supergirl..Surely the state of Utah is trying to help supergirl and not punish her biological parents for being so young and possibly inexperienced..a babydoll with medical needs takes president over parents rights..She has to get the right care and thrive, but I don't Utah law should rightfully be placed with her momma and daddy, no matter their age and inexperience, the law has rights for the tiny supergirl..Your daughter must feel so overwhelmed this has happened indeed and her hubby too, just remember when a window closes a door opens God has control over the babydolls future and he wants her to Thrive and bloom..I am praying and meditating for your supergirl and your family and who knows you might possibly be called upon to nuture and help supergirl thrive and the baby will be her is in God's hands not human hands!

  2. I am so sad to hear this. I will be praying for them and this sweet little precious baby girl. I am sure that the Lord is aware and will be watching over them all. Prayers, blessings and hugs for all!

  3. Such a difficult decision. I will pray that everything works out for the best for everyone.
