
Jan 5, 2018

Things Happen for a Reason

I was sitting here at my computer tonight contemplating my first game tomorrow night as the coach for Sport's basketball team. I told myself I would never again coach kids over 6th grade after a difficult year with Bossy's team when she was an 8th grader.

Then a week or so ago they called me...
Sport's team was in dire need of a coach for 9th and 10th grade boys. Could I do it? I thought long and hard for about 30 seconds and then I agreed. So far it hasn't been terrible. The guys are pretty willing to listen (or at least pretend to be listening). We have had a couple of practices and I'm hopeful that things will go well.

But back to the sitting at my desk part. A dear friend of mine forwarded me this picture just out of the blue.

If you don't recognize him, Sport is the cute little guy with glasses.

I believe everything happens for a reason. I'm a good coach. It will all be OK. Besides, Sport is a little taller now...


  1. Happy New Year! I just wanted to say hello from a longtime blog reader (been reading since (I think) Bossy was the only married one. I rarely comment but I enjoy reading your posts every day. Thank you for sharing your stories about your family. Here's to a wonderful 2018!

  2. Such a cute picture! When I saw it I thought, 'Those aren't 9th and 10th graders.' Glad you're willing to give it another try!

  3. You are just so awesome to coach the team. I love the photo of Sport when he was little; so cute. I love basketball and did a bit of coaching years ago. Have fun and enjoy the moments on this one!
    Blessings and hugs!
