
Jan 4, 2018

Awards of Excellence

Tonight was the District Reflections awards ceremony. Crafty had to leave dance a little early so we could get there on time. She had quite a few entries in competition this year. Sport had only one in Photography, and sadly, it didn't place although I think it was amazing!

The first category they called up was Dance Choreography and Crafty was thrilled to receive an Award of Excellence. She told me that she would have been happy with just that one, but she had more coming. She received Awards of Excellence in Literature, 3D Art, and Film Production. She also earned one Award of Merit in Music.

She was embarrassed to go up on stage so many times, but I thought it was perfect. Each time I made her place the medal around her neck and she would hold them against her chest to keep them from clinking together.

Apparently that's not a good thing.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to Crafty; that is so awesome! What an accomplished young woman she is. I think Sport is awesom entering. Tell him not to ever give up. Knowing your family; he won't.
    Blessings and hugs for them both!
