
Jan 20, 2018

The Lord is in Charge

Bossy called me tonight. She really wanted to go to Provo to see her granddaughter, but I had a basketball game with Sport that we couldn't miss since I am the coach. So we picked Bossy up and took her with us to the game. By the time we got outside, it was snowing pretty heavily, but we decided to go anyway since Batman and Cat Woman were expecting us.

 Bossy drove, so it really wasn't that big of a deal. Sport loves babies, so he didn't really mind going with us, especially when he got the opportunity to touch her tiny cuteness. Bossy also got her turn to put her hand inside and feel the softness of her sweet granddaughter's skin. I wasn't going to miss my turn either! We stood there and visited for about half an hour.

We left just before 10:00 pm and headed for the lobby. It took us a minute to get down the elevator and back through security. For a minute, we thought about asking the guard if he could check for my brother-in-law's name, but since it was late, we decided not too. Besides, he was not supposed to be in the hospital very long and he had already been admitted the same day Supergirl was born.

I guess the Lord knew we needed an update, because we were about 100 feet from the exit when my sister-in-law came through the front door. She clearly needed a friendly face and someone to talk to. We found some seats in the waiting area and visited for nearly an hour. Apparently my brother-in-law had been in the ICU for the last 6 days and they nearly lost him once, but he is almost stable enough to go home now. It was certainly an ordeal for her and one she shouldn't have had to go through alone.

I don't believe in chance... a minute quicker for us or a minute later and we would have missed her. The Lord is in charge and He made sure we had the opportunity to share our love and support with her.

1 comment:

  1. The Lord is in charge and this was a tender mercy for sure. I love that you could take Bossy and see that new great granddaughter. Wow, 4 generations right there. I did love that you got to be with your brother and sister in law. Blessings and hugs!
