
Jan 21, 2018

Happy Early Birthday to Me

We woke up this morning to around 10 inches of snow. Crafty was pretty nervous about driving to work at 7:00 am, but she did just fine. It snowed on and off throughout the day and the kids were so excited to go sledding and have snowball fights. Me... not so much.

My sweetie leaves for Boston in the morning, so we had all the kids over tonight to celebrate my birthday a few days early. We ordered Papa John's (sadly, the Jazz didn't win last night, so it cost us way more than we normally pay for pizza) and I ran to Sam's Club and bought a cake and Klondike bars.

Princess and The Frog made that scary drive in a snowstorm and I must say, she looked pretty miserable. They are only 2 weeks now from the due date of their little Tadpole. I love having the babies around, they do such funny things! Twizlet just couldn't get enough of the whipped cream frosting on my cake; she licked her plate clean.

1 comment:

  1. I love that you cold have a family celebration for your birthday early while your hubby is still here. It looks like a good one; except for the expensive Pizza. I'm happy about the snow as long as I don't have to drive in it. Thus far my husband has been doing the driving. I did drive to church which is only a few blocks away.
    I will wish you a Happy Birthday on your Birthday; so blog about it all!
    Big hugs!
