
Nov 1, 2017

Happy Halloween

How was your Halloween? We had so much fun!

Drama Queen and I took Twizlet with us to the Costume Parade this morning at the elementary school. It was crazy as usual. There were so many people! I'm sure the fire marshal never expected us to have that many people crammed into one room...

So serious (and such a bad pic, sorry)

It's hard to get them to stop and pose.

After that we spent a relatively quiet afternoon. Drama Queen went to work and Twizlet and I took a short nap. We made a trip to the grocery store and it wasn't long before the kids were coming home and we were getting ready for trick-or-treaters.

The Dog Walker went across the valley to pick up the Cat Lover and the two of them had a great time out trick-or-treating and showing off her beautiful engagement ring to all the neighbors. The kids are thinking March is a great time to get married.

Spring ahead...
Fall back

Teach and Twiz took the kids around the neighborhood until Twizlet fell asleep and then I guess they felt a little guilty taking more candy. I chased around picking up the grandkids and dropping Sport off at a friend's house. The traffic was terrible; maybe even worse than at the Costume Parade. When I finally got back to the house, we made Hawaiian haystacks for dinner so the kids actually wanted to eat something besides candy.

The Dog Walker is outside taking his display down even as I'm typing this for you. After all, it is fifteen minutes after midnight and Halloween is over for another year.

1 comment:

  1. Your Halloween sounded fun and very busy as always. I liked Dog Walker's costume.
    The younger kids costumes were great too.
    Blessings and hugs!
