
Nov 2, 2017

Happy Birthday, Bossy!

It's after midnight now, but Wednesday, November 1st was Bossy's 33rd birthday. Can I really be this old?

We celebrated with the family on Sunday and I didn't even think to take pics when we cut the cake or when she opened her gifts. I bought her a new coat and it was the wrong size...

I even forgot that our dear Home Teacher, Bob, was coming over to share the ghost story with the kids. That has been a tradition since we moved into our house over 23 years ago. We sure love having him be part of our family.

Bossy's birthday always gets pushed back to the Sunday prior since the Dog Walker also has a birthday this week. He has the day off from work and we are going to dinner with him, Cat Lover, and her parents on Saturday. Maybe then we can firm up a few of these wedding ideas and turn them into actual wedding plans.

But I digress...

This was a post about Bossy. Happy birthday, dear daughter. You are a brave soul to offer to be the oldest of this bunch. Love you to pieces. (PS, you did a great job with the broccoli ghost...)

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to Bossy! I have loved the things you have written about her. I see another great party and I love the ghost story traditions.
    I love that you are going to dinner with the future in-laws of Dog Walker.
    Big Hugs!
