
Nov 26, 2017

Happy Birthday, Scout

I'm pretty sure I told you that Scout turned 12 on Thanksgiving, but she wanted to have her birthday independent of the holiday. She doesn't love turkey and mashed potatoes and part of having a birthday here means choosing (within reason) what you want to have for dinner.

Her choice was ribs. She almost crossed the line by choosing something that was too expensive, but we bought them at Sam's Club and the butcher gave us a good deal, so she got her wish. We have also started a fairly new tradition of giving the kids the opportunity to decorate their own birthday cake if they want. She did a great job!

Twizlet's first time with a frosting beater.

It was so easy to keep giving her gifts early... she barely had anything to open today, but it all worked out. She was happy. I think her favorite gift was the caramel apple dip from Teach and Twiz. She didn't seemed inclined to want to share it at all.

We've been working at getting the Christmas tree up and that severely limited our seating area, but none of the kids complained and we had a great time laughing and teasing and telling stories. Now we are off to another busy week. Curly and Crafty are performing in The Nutcracker this weekend and that means final rehearsals and costumes and such. I also have a dozen or so posters to try to hang by tomorrow night. School is winding down for Dog Walker and he has a bunch of final papers to write.

Curly needs to work on his picture-taking skills...

The holiday is definitely over.

1 comment:

  1. Well an official Happy Birthday to Scout! Having a birthday on a Holiday is a struggle for sure. She did a great job decorating the cake and the ribs sounds so good too.
    Have a great week doing all of your activities. Never a dull moment in your life for sure. I love following all your activities.
    Blessings and hugs f
