
Nov 26, 2017

Date is Set

It's finally official; Dog Walker and Cat Lover will be married in the Salt Lake Temple on March 2, 2018. I'm having a hard time believing we will be planning another wedding right after the holidays. It's a good thing the Dog Walker isn't.

A few days ago he invited Cat Lover over for a special surprise. He had bought some of the sugar cookie dough with pictures in them and he wanted to make cookies with her. I watched them for a few minutes and when I turned to leave, the Dog Walker whispered, "Don't you want to take a picture?"

I figured he meant so I could share it with all of you, but instead he surprised me by whispering rather loudly this time, "For the wedding video?" There was definitely a "duh" intended at the end of that sentence although he was too respectful to say it out loud especially in front of his fiancee'.

So I dutifully snapped a couple of pics and went back to whatever was occupying my current state of mind that was not a video that I would have to have ready in time for a wedding on March 2, 2018.

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