
Nov 15, 2017

Banquet at The Pie

Tonight was Scout's football banquet at The Pie Pizzeria. Her coaches invited everyone's family members and all they asked for was a headcount and a treat. We brought a plate of brownies and 7 of us to enjoy one last time being together with the team.

There must have been at least 75 of us there and someone picked up the tab for the whole group!

After we feasted on delicious pizza, salad, and breadsticks, we watched a highlight video and then the coaches brought up each kid and presented them with a fleece Bingham blanket and an inspirational saying on a wooden block.

Scout was lauded for being the only girl as well as a good player. When Coach Coates asked her if she would rather play football or dance, she emphatically replied (in front of everyone), "DANCE!" I'm not sure her teammates agreed with her.

It was a terrific football year, but I'm ready to move on too. I picked up my Jr. Jazz uniforms tonight for Scout's team. Yeah, I'm coaching again... but only one team, I promised my sweetie I would try to cut back on my activities.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, I am happy your husband is encouraging you draw back just a touch. You amaze me with all you do but I do feel you need a bit more rest now and then. I admire that you coach. You are a woman of many talents. Most of all you are such a loving supportive Mom.
    The Pizza party sounds so fun. I think Scout is so awesome to have played football and she dances well too. Way to go Scout.
    Sending love and hugs your way!
