
Nov 16, 2017

Another Birthday for The Frog

It's November and that means we party all the time!

On Sunday we celebrated The Frog's 28th birthday. My favorite things were the dozens of rolls he and Princess made for all of us. My sweetie made his famous barbecue chicken and to make it easy we also had baked potatoes.

The Frog doesn't like cake much, but we made one for him anyway. He is all about the ice cream so we made sure we had six different kinds for him to choose from. It was a fun and casual party with much laughter and love.

We missed Prima Donna and Bossy, but the good news is that it is still November! Another party this week for Taco this time. Can you believe he is turning 13? And I must say that he is becoming quite the good little volleyball player...

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to the Frog! I do lov eyour celebration. The food always sounds yummy. Your blog is such a wonderful family journal and I enjoy reading about you all!
    Big hugs~
