
Oct 25, 2017

Making Caramel Apples

I love Monday nights because we get to have Family Home Evening. This week we had a manners lesson at dinner (we realized we all have a lot of work to do!) and then for a treat, we made caramel apples.

While they were cooling, we playing the silliest game for Curly's cub scout requirement. We paired up and had to cross about 10 feet of carpet holding an apple between our foreheads. I wish I would have gotten some pics for you because it was hilarious, but I was the timekeeper, so my phone was occupied as a stopwatch.

My sweetie and I did pretty good, as did Grandpa and Drama Queen, but Scout and Curly could make it in just under 3 seconds. I think the fact that they are almost the same height worked to their advantage. Poor Dog Walker and Cat Lover! He is so tall and she is quite short... it just didn't work so well for them.

They enjoyed sharing a caramel apple though. The kids thought it was great fun, of course you know who got to clean up all the sticky spots on the floor and table. I'm pretty sure that is why caramel apples are a once-a-year treat for us.

They did well with the apple here!!
Looks like the Dog Walker and Cat Lover might want to have them a little more often.

1 comment:

  1. I loved the photos of your FHE activity; it looked so fun. I liked the game and it does looke like Dog Walker and Catwoman are loving it.
    You do no how to do great family home evening acitvities. It's all amazing!
    Love and hugs for all!
