
Oct 26, 2017

Halloween Carnival

Yesterday was pack meeting and the Bear dean was in charge of planning a Halloween carnival. Curly was in charge of the Plinko game and he had a great time (for a minute) until I let him go so he could try out all the other booths.

He came directly from football practice and only had a few minutes to set up before all the kids were there and it was time to begin. The Dog Walker brought over Scout and Baby Doll and Sport was already there helping since he is still my Den Chief.

They had a costume parade first and then it was time for the games. Ours was extremely popular because we had really cool squirt guns to give away as prizes if they managed to get the ball in the right slot. Otherwise, they still got a nice little candy bar, which isn't a bad deal; either way they win.

The kids had a great time and way too much sugar! Halloween is still almost a week away and I'm already worried about the craziness of our eating habits. Curly came home with 21 Butterfingers and a bunch of other random stuff... I could have counted the girls' stash, but they had already eaten all of them.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, indeed; Halloween is sugar time. Always a worry about this subject. I do believe that sugar make them more hyper.
    It does look like a wonderful Halloween Carnival. Loved the photos and the costume parade. I love how your family joins in the fun of bringing it all together.
    Love and hugs!
