
Oct 18, 2017

Ketchup, Anyone?

Did I ever tell you that my son-in-law, Twiz, has a huge aversion to ketchup? He absolutely can't stand it, in fact, I've heard him joke that he can't even kiss Teach if she has been eating it.

So today I had Twizlet for the entire workday. Just before noon, my sweetie texted me and asked if I would like to go to lunch. Of course I would never turn down an opportunity like that! He showed up about half an hour later and we decided on Culver's since I had a BOGO coupon for a double cheeseburger basket.

It's only a short drive to Culver's from our house, so even though Twizlet was tired, it wasn't enough time for her to doze off. After we ordered, my sweetie found us a table while I filled our cups and got ketchup and fry sauce.

Our food came quickly and we enjoyed our burgers. Twizlet ate some tiny pieces of cheese and chewed on a couple of fries. Then, in typical 8-month-old fashion, she began throwing them on the floor. That's when I decided it was time for her to try a little ketchup.

Sorry, Daddy!
She licked it first, testing it out, and before long, she was gumming them like a pro (she doesn't have any teeth yet). Of course we had to send her daddy a picture...

1 comment:

  1. Oh, this was a fun post! I loved the story, the photos, the adorable baby and of course the fried and ketchup. Blessings and hugs!
