
Oct 19, 2017

Guest Blog: Most Wonderful Time of the Year by Drama Queen

There are only thirteen days until Halloween. Thirteen days until witches and vampires frolic beneath the harvest moon while werewolves sip sweet cider and howl at the moon.  Ghosts will soon be drifting pass with their bags full of tricks and treats.  The crisp fall air will be full of eager shouts and playful growls.  In thirteen days it will be the spookiest night of the year.

There are only thirty-six days until Thanksgiving.  Thirty-six days until the sweet spiciness of cinnamon perfumes the air and the soft sizzle of roasting turkey can be heard beneath the bustle of table-setting.  Soon there will be china clinking delicately and the eager sharing of the year's stories before the spectacular rainbow of gelatin is passed around.  In thirty-six days it will be the most grateful day of the year.  

There are only sixty-eight days until Christmas.  Sixty-eight days until voices ring out in joyful carols praising the Christchild as hands reach out to offer pure love and warn mitten-decked hands.  Between the falling crystalline snowflakes a light of happiness shines in the face of every brother and sister.  Sharp pine and rich smell of nutmeg seem to promise of the fresh new start the new year will bring.    The crinkle of wrapping paper testifies of the greatest gift the world has ever been given.  In sixty-eight days it will be the most blessed day of the year.  

...And I don't know about all of you, but I can hardly wait!!  

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, this was an awesome post. Way to go girl! Now I am getting excited by how fast these marvelous holidays are coming. I think perhaps I need to be starting to prepare.
    Hugs for this fun one!
