
Aug 20, 2017

Running to Idaho

Yesterday we had a fantastic day of football! Scout, Sport, and Curly all won their games as did Burrito and Taco. Bingham really does have an amazing program.

When we finally returned home from the football field, we finished packing up and by about 4:00, we hit the road. Yes, we are joining what we heard were thousands of other eclipse watchers in the Zone of Totality.

My sweetie has family near Rexburg and his aunt and uncle kindly shared their little rental house with us for the weekend. It has no furniture, so we filled it with air matresses and sleeping bags, but we are so grateful for a place to stay!

This morning my sweetie took the little kids including Burrito to explore this little town. They found a fun park and he managed to make them all sick at the park. We are getting ready for church now, but I will make sure to share all about our adventure with you.

By the way, so far we have not seen any crowds or craziness, just busy gas stations. We were even able to buy ice.

1 comment:

  1. Aw w, the wonderful football moments. You should let me know what teams your children are on and their numbers. We actually go to some of the games over in the park to watch some other kids in our mission area. They could be on the same teams. When we are there I will look for you all. Happy they all won their games.
    I am going to look forward to hearing your Eclipse adventure. If we weren't on a mission we would have gone up and watched it in Sugar City where our children live or een in Idaho Falls. I am happy that you were able to take this trip.
    Blessings and hugs!
