
Aug 19, 2017

Meet Little Warrior

My very first order of business this morning was to go and see that new little grandson of mine. It was about 10:30 before my sweetie and I finally got on the road to the hospital. I have to confess that our poor Beauty was still so very tired that I just didn't have the heart to post any pics of her, but I can attest to the fact that she is more beautiful than ever.

When we first arrived, The Beast was holding his tiny son and feeding him from a bottle. It was my first picture and my best. Little Warrior is perfect (both parents have approved the name, so it will stick). I'm just going to leave you with pictures; some that I took and some that The Beast sent me later after we were already home.
My turn, my turn!!

Now that's a good-looking grandpa!

Getting ready for his first bath.
He's an expert already.
All finished. Daddy did a great job!
My mother/grandmother heart is bursting with gratitude and love. So proud... so happy...

1 comment:

  1. Congrraatulations on your new little Grandson. I love the Warrior name. The photos were so sweet of you all holding him. The Beast does look like he has the father things down. Loved this one!
    Blessings for you all and hugs too!
