
Aug 1, 2017

Pioneer Day 2017

After football tonight, we shared homemade chili with Bossy's family and Gamer gave me a bad time. He reminded me that I never posted about our party on Pioneer Day. He had taken a bunch of pics for me of the festivities, so he wanted to make sure I hadn't forgotten them.

Another interesting thing going on right now is that the Dog Walker appears to have a girlfriend although they have nothing official right now. They are planning Date #8. With their work schedules it is difficult for them to get together more than once or twice a week, but they are spending quite a bit of time together. She also joined us for our Pioneer Day celebration although the pic is dark because we were just setting up for fireworks at the time.

Usually for Pioneer Day we have games and crafts and then we finish up with a square dance. But if you remember right, I was in the hospital until around noon that day. The kids planned our traditional dinner of dutch oven stew and Scout planned some games, but I was still too fragile for dancing and the kids didn't want to do it without me.

We had a great time anyway. Everyone was here except for Prima Donna. I just love having my family together.

1 comment:

  1. Well, it looks like another wonderful traditional family gathering saved. I am so happy you were home to be part of it. I did like the photo of Dog Walker and his girlfriend. If you get it up close; she's a really cute girl.
    Blessings and hugs!
