
Aug 7, 2017

Happy Birthday, Drama Queen

Yesterday was a good day. We went to church and I managed to stay for all 3 hours. Teach and Twiz were at church with us and we had so much fun with Twizlet in Relief Society. She wanted to see herself on my phone, so I snapped a pic for you.

Then after church we had a birthday party for Drama Queen. She will by 28 on Thursday, but we are having a shower for Beauty on that day, and yes, my sweet girl suggested that we do it on her birthday. She is so awesome. Only a couple more weeks before Beauty and The Beast's baby boy is due. Thoughts on a blog name???

Beauty made Drama Queen the cutest pair of cat slippers! They matched so well with her new Lula Roe outfit that we gave her. Drama Queen even made her own birthday cake. I don't know how I could have handled these last few weeks without her. She cooks and cleans, gets the kids up for me and takes them to school.

My sweetie found out he has to wear his boot for at least a couple more weeks although it is healing which is a good thing. He wasn't looking forward to a surgery. As for me, I'm ready to be better. Football season is starting soon. Curly has his first scrimmage game tonight. I just love watching the kids play their sports. The only thing better is being healthy enough to play myself.


  1. In keeping with the theme of Beauty and the Beast, how about "Chip" for a blog name?

  2. Happy Birthday to that Drama Queen girl! Loved the photos and happy you could make all 3 hours of church. I will ponder on a blog name for your next new little one!
    Blessings and hugs~
