
Aug 8, 2017

Check Out Our Squishy Mat

There are plenty of good things about being a grandma, and I'm sure you have heard about most of them before. Like when the grandbaby is fussy, messy, or in need of a diaper change, it's usually pretty easy to simply hand the little cutie back over to mommy or daddy. Unless I'm babysitting, of course; then it's all me (or sometimes Crafty, Drama Queen, or Scout...).

Today Teach had a full day in her classroom setting things up. She dropped Twizlet off while I was still in bed, so the two of us snoozed together for a while before we finally got up. I made her a bottle and some peas and she was a happy girl. At nearly 6 months old, she is getting big enough that she loves to play with toys and she loves being on the floor.

Most of my house is either hardwood or a commercial grade carpet we put in when the kids were little. Honestly, it's not very comfortable. For my own babies I have put down a soft blanket for them to play on, but yesterday in the mail, I got something better than a blanket. I got my very own Squishy Mat to try out.

Let me tell you right now, this mat is so much better than a blanket! It is thick and soft. At least for now, Twizlet can't lift the edges off the floor like she can a blanket, so that keeps her in place. She is also not quite mobile yet, but she really liked practicing her hands and knees rock.

The mat folds up and has a handle so it can be easily carried to a picnic or a football game. In fact, the only thing I didn't like was the fact that there were no cleaning instructions on the packaging. But when I got nervous about throwing it in the washer, I saw the 100% warranty and figured either way I would be fine. After all, Beauty's baby is due August 21, Bossy's is due December 19, and Princess's is due on February 4. I'm going to need lots of Squishy Mats!! (That link has a coupon so you can save 15% on yours.)

**I was given a free Squishy Mat in exchange for my open and honest opinion.**


  1. Wow! Hearing all the babies coming this year makes me INCREDIBLY happy for you!

  2. Oh, this little one is just so adorable. I think I would just be kissing those cute little cheeks. That Squishy mat looks like a great invention.
    With all those babies coming you are going to have so much fun having them close together. One year we had grandchildren born within about 4 months and then 5 years later we had 5 more. It has been so fun to watch them grow and now enjoy fun times together.
    Loved this one! Hugs~
