
Jun 28, 2017

No More Teacups!

Well, they finally did it. On Monday, they kept me so busy and crazy for the day that this morning I felt like mush... not for breakfast, I mean my brain, and pretty much my body too.

Wait, let's start over and I will tell you about my day. Bossy got a new job and she started this week, so I get to watch Chip. All was fine and dandy until he heard that Drama Queen was taking the kids up to Lagoon for our Bounceback day when they got home from their swimming lessons. My task was to wait for Sport to be finished with class, and then to drop off Chip on our way out of town.

So I loaded Chip into my car and we drove off to run some errands about the same time the kids left with Drama Queen. He likes hanging out with me, so he didn't seem to mind. We did a bunch of stuff: dropped Scout's glasses at the eye doctor for repair, took some paperwork up to my sweetie's doctor, made returns to Lowe's and Kohl's, gassed up the car and then just to kill the last 15 minutes, got an ice cream cone from McDonald's.

At 3:00 we picked up Sport and headed for home. By 4:00 we had the car loaded and I was ready to drop off Chip. I drove to my sweetie's company across town and picked him up, then we drove the rest of the way to Lagoon.

The kids immediately got us to work on the rides. It was busy, but not terribly so even though the temperature hovered near 100. We rode Rattlesnake Rapids 3 times, getting totally soaked. Then the girls convinced me they would not spin the teacups if I would ride with them... yeah right.

By 10:00 when the park closed, I was exhausted, but my sweetie was hungry, so off to Chili's we went for a late dinner. Did I tell you I was soaked? Still?

The food was good, but the ride home was still long, so we climbed into our vehicles and drove to my sweetie's work, picked up his car, and finally arrived home about 1:00 AM. I literally could hardly walk into the house. I dragged myself upstairs, peeled off my wet clothes, and stood in a hot shower for about 20 minutes.

Then the bed just looked so inviting I couldn't help myself. I curled up in a ball and didn't climb out until this morning. I'm still a bit groggy and unstable. I blame those ridiculous teacups...

1 comment:

  1. Oh another fun and challenging day in the your life. Wow, another Lagoon day; your are wonder woman to me. I am happy you did get some sleep. Of course, you will just clear that foggy brain and jump right back into your busy complicated life. Sending extra hugs your way!
