
Jun 26, 2017

Happy Birthday, Prima Donna!

You must get tired of listening to me chatter on about birthdays. Today is Prima Donna's 19th. It was fun to see her and spend a little time with her. She loves working at Trefoil, and all the walking and smaller portions seems to be a good thing for her dieting goals. Except for this cake...

All of the kids were here today at one time or another. Beauty and The Beast just returned from a few days in Texas for a friend's wedding. Our other major news is that Sport was ordained a Teacher today. That is one of the levels in our Aaronic Priesthood. I can't believe how fast all the kids are growing up!

Bossy and Gamer both have new jobs. Gamer started his a couple of weeks ago. He is working for Jerry Seiner Nissan in Bountiful and Bossy starts at Medicaid tomorrow. Life just keeps changing, it won't be long before I am that little old grandma in the rocking chair... maybe I need to go to work with Prima Donna at Trefoil. At least her diet plan seems to work.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to your Prima Donna. That cake looked so yummy! With your life; it is a constant change. I have been watching those children grow up for a long time; amazing. Yes, you will be a Grandma but for some reason I can't picture you in a rocking chair.
    Blessings and hugs!
