
Jun 6, 2017

Last Days of School

Last week of school for my elementary-aged kids and there are just so many things to do. This morning was Scout's play and I couldn't miss that. She had the part of John Adams. So much acting for her lately!

 I love watching the kids try new things and expand their skill set. She did a fantastic job and I always love this play because it teaches the kids all about the Constitution and reminds me of a few things as well.

Then this afternoon was the 3rd grade talent show so I spent an hour watching other kids play the piano or do tumbling routines. Curly's was nearly last. Drama Queen spent a bunch of time editing his dance numbers from their Production Team. It was fun seeing him up on the big screen, tapping away and acting like a pirate from Peter Pan. I wonder if the other kids knew before today that he is a great dancer.

Waiting for the show to start.

Baby Doll finishes up tomorrow and then the other two on Wednesday. It will be nice to have them home for the summer, although Sport is taking a summer science class that starts on Thursday and Crafty has 5 summer classes from SLCC. It's never dull around here...

1 comment:

  1. Yes, it is never dull around your home for sure. I like reading about your closing year events. I always enjoyed watching my children preform and achieve. You do have some very talented and gifted children. Blessings and hugs!
