
Jun 7, 2017

Last Day of Kindergarten... Ever

Last day of kindergarten for Baby Doll... and for me.

Half-day kindergarten is so hard. There is just not enough time to do much (especially on Fridays!) before it's time to pick them up again. I love the things they learn and the new adventures for them though, so I will definitely miss that. Baby Doll is so grown up already, it's like she could be a 3rd grader tomorrow.

Anyway, we had a fun slideshow and awards assembly for them. She was given the Best Listener award. She also received her Sharpen the Saw fitness award and her Soaring Leader award. She always wants to be just perfect in everything.

Tonight we let her come over and play basketball with the grownups. She loves being the center of attention and when she got the ball, everyone would let her shoot. She was so excited when she made a basket on the regular height hoop.

It was also her last softball practice this afternoon. The coach set up a blowup wading pool at each base and they got to run and splash and play. The entire thing culminated in a water fight. She has one more tournament game on Thursday, but if they lose, they are out.

Honestly, I'm about ready to be done with spring ball....


  1. This looks like such a fun day. I love Baby Doll's smiling face; so cute. Wow, you will not have anyone home next year except I guess you are tending that new baby of yours. I liked reading about how they played their ball game. What a fun coach. I don't know how you get through all of your sports seasons. Again, Amazing!! Blessings and hugs~

  2. A pretty bitter sweet moment, I'm sure.
